Why Shred
Every business and individual is entrusted with information that
must be kept private. Both businesses and individuals have a moral
and legal responsibility to safeguard this private information
at all times. Failure to do so could result in loss of goodwill,
business, income, and may even result in legal ramifications.
It is important for all us to know what our risks and liabilities
are when disposing of confidential information.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act sets
rules for healthcare organizations to securely store and dispose
of patient information.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Act requires the financial industry (insurance, banks,
securities, mortgage, etc.) to protect client information and
requires that institutions disclose their privacy policies to
their customers.
Identity theft is one of the nations fastest growing crimes.
It is easy to commit. Reversing the damage is very difficult and
time consuming. Keep your personal information secure by shredding.
Bills, credit card offers, financial statements, etc. should be
shredded on a regular basis.
All companies will discard confidential data at one time or another.
Customer lists, price lists, sales statistics, drafts of bids
and correspondence, and even memos contain information about business
activity which would interest any competitor. This information
must be protected. Your employees and customers have the legal
right to have this data protected.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that Dumpster Diving
is legal. The ruling states that once you put your trash on the
street, its in the public domain.